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Ol’ Shutter Café Doors

Shutter 1

I shifted sides…..up until now I was sharing the before and after photos of the ‘Studio Office’ progress thru posts…working around the room, project by project.

 I got it into my head that I needed to get painting the projects on the DIY pile in the basement…..and these ol’ shutters were on the pile.

so I shifted sides…..on the second floor of the Cape Cod we live in ~ ‘….to the Studio’.

In the Studio there is an opening to the once ‘walk-in closet’ that left me thinking…..wouldn’t it be neat to add vintage wood shutters for cafe doors?

It didn’t take long to hunt down the perfect size shutters….they were wrapped under the Christmas tree from my hubby……I guess he does listen to my décor ramblings!  They had the perfect original latches and hardware!

The shutters were then painted in Milk Paint by Miss Mustard SeedIronstone’….and Jerry assisted in purchasing the correct matching hardware to attach to the wall to create café doors. 

We purchased the hardware thru

The sentimental in me ~ found it hard to paint over the child like scribbles on the shutters…..I could only imagine what kind of trouble he or she got into scribbling on Nanas shutters!

 The first coat of paint, I did not add Bonding Agent…..I wanted to see what type of chipping this would do, it is always unpredictable.   It didn’t produce much so I moved forward and added a little bonding agent to get a nice finish.

and I couldn’t be happier with the results.

The original hardware was cleaned and is just perfect…and in working order. 

The Studio and Studio Office are coming along…lots more to do.  But it is really all part of the creative fun!

I am thinking of an iron rod along the bottom of the shop keepers cabinet for a vintage linen curtain to slide….more nail holes for fun vintage finds and a few more milk painted pieces to finish…..including the mis-matched chairs for my ‘Tuesday Girls’ around the manufacturing warehouse table.🙂

Do you see the banana crate on top the shop keeper cabinet?…..if you follow my Facebook timeline you will see before and after photos… incredible change just by finishing in Miss Mustard Seed hemp oil!

Oh….I just love these ol’ shutter cafe doors!

Do you have a DIY pile? What are you working on?

Think outside the box~rescue and reuse Vintage!


Up Next: Sweet Treats Christmas Painting Club, Dots~Technique Video, Vanilla Cubicle Makeover and Stacey’s Chickens!

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