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Little Paper Houses|Door Knob Gifts


Little Paper Houses‘ ~ another fun ‘door knob gift‘ project that can be used for any Holiday, Celebration or to simply just say Hello!

Read more about Door Knob Gifts (here).

Hang a ‘little paper house’ on a doorknob for a birthday wish, a simple hello, an I miss you, celebrate an A’cd test, a ‘hurray you got-the-job’, a warm welcome home, or how about simply a ‘you make me smile’ gift….really, any reason at all to send a warm heartfelt greeting.

This little paper house just happens to have a holly wreath and snow on it ~ because it was to be the last post in 2020 called ‘It’s A Wrap’ ~ but as we know (click here) that didn’t happen.

To create the little paper houses first gather the supplies


Funny as it is….this is how I came across Stabilo Pens ~ I was shopping in Michaels Craft Store and could not find a pen in my purse to cross things off my list… I purchased a Stabilo Pen, crossed the item off my list and fell in love with the color and then picked up a few more. What a fun way to shop for new Art Supplies!
oh….and don’t for a second think that this was the first time I had to buy a pen to cross things off my list…crossing off my list is a must, lol! Always keeping order.

Begin by simply folding over the top of the bag (be sure the paper bag is facing forward) to create the roof line. Then draw your house design with Stabilo Pens, or colored pencils, crayons, or paint will do. I typically begin with the door, then windows, then add details such as shutters, siding, brick, door knobs, steps and window boxes. Then add wreaths, grass and shrubs. Don’t forget the roof (Add scallops and then cut the scallops with scissors for an added little touch)! Sketchy is good ~ it looks Artsy!

Add balloons for a birthday, a doggie or kitty to welcome a new pet, a banner to welcome home a Hero, or a mailbox # to welcome a new neighbor…so many ideas and possibilities.

Then punch two holes into the top of the roof and string ribbon or twine to close after filling the bag with treats and goodies!

How about adding a cut-out cookie treat? Matching the decorated icing design to the paper house gift bag is a fun decorative touch!

Here is a favorite cut-out cookie recipe to make (here), created using a ‘house’ cookie cutter, then make the icing using Wilton’s Meringue Powder Recipe, on the side of the container.

Just like any Art Skill it takes alot of practice to pipe and flood the icing, getting it to the right consistency. Someday I will get the hang of it….for now my cookies will hold some homespun charm!

Wait for the icing to become stiff enough to write on (that’s the hard part) then create house drawings onto the Cookie Icing with Wilton’s Food Writers.

Make it personal and add a message too!

Wrap the cookie in a wax paper or a cello bag and tissue paper, then slip the cookie into the little paper house bag, then tie it up with string… simply will be one of your favorite things!

Create a ‘Little Paper House Door Knob Gift‘ for your family, friends, and neighbors….a fun way to share that you care during these pandemic times and socially distancing, no matter the occasion hang a ‘door knob gift‘ today!


Coming Soon ~ Marshmallow Snowmen thru Toletown, Coconut Tarts, For the Birds, Apple Spice Bakery Zoom Class and Demo, Peanut Butter Bread and Marshmallow Fluff Topping, Organizing a Day Planner, Piano Bench Paint & Sew Project, Studio Happenings, Branding, Metal Tool Box Re-Purpose, and so much more!


Here is an oldie but goodie blog post

creating a Welcome House ~ Click (here)

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